Shortly put, PHAZZA is a brand operating on planet Earth somewhere in the Milky Way galaxy. It is difficult to locate the exact spot of operation due to the space-time relativity.
The brand is created around 2016-th solar cycle of the planet, counted since the birth of very famous person called Jesus.
There is a huge bundle of famous people on this planet, and it is reasonable to conclude each one of them started their own calendar, but this could be a speculation, again, due to the space-time relativity.
It seams a lot of entanglement is going on around in this place, and PHAZZA carries the burden in trying to make sense out of this mess. Luckily there was an opportunities to prove that, and of course it was not enough.. it is never enough.
Now PHAZZA is into preparation for pure new cognitive explosion to happen in our humble corner of the universe.
While waiting you can check what we've been through recently.